Monday, November 28, 2011

"A Day That Will Live In Infamy"

“A Day That Will Live In Infamy”
Seventy years ago the United States Naval base and Ford Island in Hawaii was attacked in the early morning by the Japanese Imperial Navy, thus launching our nation into the Second World War.  Up until that disastrous day, our country was severely divided between those who supported helping England defend against German invasion and those who were staunch pacifists.  After December 7, very few pacifists were left.  We became a passionately patriotic society as millions joined up to defend against our enemies on two fronts.
I wonder how many people actually remember the significance of December 7, 1941.  I’ve notice over the past several years, the media gives it only a cursory mention.  Since the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, the two disasters are sometimes mentioned together.  We remember 9/11 only because it is so recent in our history; but December 7, 1941 is 70 years in our past.  I wasn’t even born yet.  But I am a history major; it’s my job to know these things.
File:USSArizona PearlHarbor 2.jpg

Seventy years ago the United States Naval base and Ford Island in Hawaii was attacked in the early morning by the Japanese Imperial Navy, thus launching our nation into the Second World War.  Up until that disastrous day, our country was severely divided between those who supported helping England defend against German invasion and those who were staunch pacifists.  After December 7, very few pacifists were left.  We became a passionately patriotic society as millions joined up to defend against our enemies on two fronts

At the time most people held to the concept that this war had to be won at all cost.  Hitler, Mussolini, and the Japanese military had to be pushed back and eliminated.  (Notice I did not mention Emperor Hirohito because the country at that time was actually ruled by their military).

A short time ago I participated in a conversation by a small group of young people that led to the statement that America had never been attacked.  I had to step up to the plate and shove in my two cents worth.  I am not JUST referring to the attack on Pearl Harbor.  As early as 1897 German military planners were obsessed with naval operations against the east coast of the United States. That idea continued to evolve, and when Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, he wanted to set it in motion and attack New York City.  Germany did in fact have long-range bombers that could do the job, but the idea of attacking the east coast of the U.S. didn’t really come to fruition until after Pearl Harbor.

Admiral Karl Donitz, the commander of all U-boats based in France, placed into action “Operation Drumbeat.”  In January of 1942, over forty American tankers and merchant ships fell victim to Nazi U-boats…most of which were still in port!  By September 1942, 204 American ships were attacked and/or sunk off the eastern coast of the United States.

On June 21, 1942, a Japanese submarine float plane, the brainstorm of Warrant Flying Officer Nobuo Fujita, bombed Fort Stevens, a coastal defense base in Northwest Oregon.  In September 1942,  a float plane armed with two 170-pound thermite incendiary bombs designed to ignite thousands of acres of forestland in Oregon was launched…headed for the Cape Blanco lighthouse on the Oregon coast.  The mission was only moderately successful due to recent rains that had left the forest floor wet.

From December 18 to 24, 1941, nine Japanese submarines patrolled strategic points along the U.S. west coast, attacking eight American merchant ships, sinking two and severely damaging two more.  Six seaman were killed.

On December 8, 1941, Congress officially recognized the Civil Air Patrol, a civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, to organize coastal watches.  The mission was primarily to observe and protect American coasts.  By the end of the war, CAP pilots had flown over 500,000 mission hours.  Over ninety aircraft were lost and over sixty CAP pilots were killed.  The Civil Air Patrol is credited with sinking one Japanese submarine off the coast of California.  I am proud to say that I was a member of the Civil Air Patrol for 7 ½ years.

So, as we are all getting ready for the Christmas season and festivities, please take the time on December 7 (actually, take the time every day) to pay tribute to the men and women who served during World War II…both on the field of battle, and those who were instrumental in protecting our coasts.  And the next time someone suggests that we reduce military spending or reduce the number of military personnel, remind them that without our military we most definitely would have not only been attacked more severely, but probably invaded during WWII.  The threat is even more prevalent today.

Monday, November 14, 2011


This is certainly becoming an interesting run for the presidency.  It’s difficult…or maybe impossible to keep track of all the Republican Candidates without a program.  Let’s see, we have Minnesota Congressmen Michele Bachmann, businessmen Herman Cain, Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, former Governor of Utah Jon Huntsman, former Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson, political consultant Fred Karger, Andy Martin, Jimmy McMillan, Tom Miller, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Tom Pawlenty, and three or four others who have no chance of even getting close to being nominated.  Then of course, we have the Democratic Party’s Barack Obama. 

When I taught US and Illinois Government, I tried to give a brief summary of each of the candidates in hopes I could give the students a better understand of the important issues facing the nation.  It would take me an entire school year I fear to get through the barrage of Republican candidates clamoring for the top seat!  So, I think I will take the lead from our current Commander in Chief as he humorously stated on Jay Leno a couple weeks back and “wait for most of them to be voted off the island.”

I have never claimed to be either a Republican or a Democrat.  I think I have only voted straight ticket once in my life.  I have tried to look at what each candidate stands for and determine whether or not he or she would be an asset or a liability to the nation.  It isn’t easy to figure that out however!  Many people rely on the mainstream media for their information.  That, in my opinion, is just plain dumb!  Congressional records are available that reveal how our elected officials have voted on various issues.  That is a good place to start.  Listening to their speeches and comparing what they say now and how they voted in the past is also another way of determining their credibility.  I also listen carefully on what each candidate has to say about their opponent or opponents.  I never quite trust public officials who sling mud at others.  It also raises a red flag in my mind when a candidate who is gaining points in his standing is suddenly accused of sexual improprieties that allegedly happened a decade before.  It would not surprise me if someone hired others to make false accusations.  Nothing surprises me in a presidential race.

Having said all the above, I will begin my analysis with the one person we all know will be on the ticket…our current president.  Please understand, this is MY opinion.  You may or may not agree with me.  I don’t have a problem with anyone voicing their own opinion; however, don’t become hostile with me because you may disagree with me.  Let’s agree to disagree agreeably.

  1. The President on foreign policy:  I really don’t have an opinion one way or another.  He’s met with a lot of heads of state, done a lot of talking, and probably has done some positive things.
  2. The War:  He’s promised to bring the troops home.  I agree.  It’s time.  Enough said on that point.
  3. The economy: This could make or break this president.  People around this country and around the world have sent our government a very loud message on jobs and housing.  Big government and big business have duped the American people royally!  I am not referring to those who expect something for nothing; I am not interested in people who choose to collect welfare rather than work; I don’t give a rip about students who expect a free ride to college; and I am totally opposed to illegal immigrants who come into this country and expect free health care and free education.  My concern is for those who have lost their jobs and their homes because of corporate greed and the excessive spending and salaries in Washington.
Are you aware that members of Congress can vote and have voted big raises for themselves without our knowledge?  Do you know that members of Congress keep their salaries for life even after they are out of office?  You know those laws that Congress passes for us dealing with health care and such?  Well, they are NOT obligated to abide by those same laws!  Why is it that we, the American people, don’t hold these government officials accountable?  Well, for one, we would have to contact our local Congressmen to voice our opinion.  Think about it!

 4. Health Care:  This is a difficult one on several levels.  I have a friend who had a transplant.  Her medication is very costly and she just lost her job.  She is single and lives on a very fixed income.  National healthcare could be the answer for her.  However, national healthcare where anyone can get medical care for nothing is not the answer.  Why?  Because there is no such thing as a free lunch.  Why do you think our country is in the financial fix it’s in?  Too many freebies!!!  Do you really want the government forcing national healthcare on you?  I don’t.  I feel bad for those who cannot afford health insurance.  No one should have to raise children with healthcare.  No one should have to live without healthcare.  But a national healthcare system is NOT the answer!  So what is the answer?
    1. Federal laws regulating the high cost of medical care.  One cannot even get sick without paying hundreds of dollars.  Several years ago I spent four days in the hospital.  When I got my bill, I noticed that I was charged $12 for every Tylenol I was given.  We noticed other ridiculous charges on our bill.  This is just dumb.  The last time I had to spend time in the hospital (the infamous spider bite), I brought my own Tylenol!  I didn’t tell the nurses or they would have taken it.  Whenever the pain got too bad, I took one of my own!
    2. Federal laws regulating the high cost of medication.
    3. Tort reform!  Stop these ridiculous law suits that cause doctors to pay high costs for malpractice insurance…which they pass on to you and me!

This is an easy fix.

  1. Finally,  this president during this past summer threatened to withhold social Security checks and military checks if the two sides of the congressional isle didn’t come to some agreement on the budget.  Why not withhold their OWN paychecks?
So, those of you who read this who are either in the military or who are retired….I certainly hope that you remember point #5 when you go to vote next November.  This president is NOT a president for the people.  This is a man devoted to himself.  “We the People” is not a part of his agenda.    I certainly hope that the over 40% of the voting eligible populace of this country get off their duffs and vote!!!!

I will make commentaries of the Republican candidates when they are whittled down a bit!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Paying It Forward

I have told the following story many times.  A dear friend suggested I put it in a blog.  There are two things I hope people get out of our story:  #1...Trust in God for everything.  Even in our situation, we continued to tithe.  It wasn't much...sometimes only a few dollars...but we loved and trusted God enough to put Him first...believing that He would provide for us.  #2....Listen to God.  Pay Him back by helping others when He lays them upon your heart.   Here is our testimony:

Bruce and I were married in May 1975. Within a couple months of our marriage we both lost our jobs. We decided that since the girls were small, that I would be a stay-at-home mom for a while. By fall bruce had not found a job and we were running out of money. Fortunately we had enough saved to pay the rent and utilities, but not much else. Moving ahead to September, we had run out of food....literally. no milk, eggs, flour, sugar....nothing but condiments in the fridge and spices in the cabinet. not even one can of veggies. All we had to eat for over a week was what I could make from corn meal. (to this day I am not a real fan of corn bread!)  Winter was coming and the girls badly needed winter attire.  There simply wasn't any money.
We belonged to a Church of God in Battle Creek, and of course, were too proud to tell anyone of our plight. We prayed that Bruce would find a job and be able to support the family.

Across town, a wonderful church lady was out in her garden when God spoke to her, told her to change her clothes and go shopping. She immediately got up, told her husband they needed to go shopping. He asked her "for what?" She replied, "God will tell us when we leave." Never even questioning it, they both got in the car. God told her to go to a certain grocery store. They continued to put stuff in two shopping carts until God said ok. Then God told the woman to go to the children's section of the store where she purchased two winters coats, shoes, socks, boots, pants, and shirts, hats, gloves, and scarves......ALL THE EXACT SIZE of our two girls.

After they had loaded up the car, the husband said, "where do we take this?" The woman said "God will direct us." They ended up at our front door! I asked her how she knew. She replied, "The next time you run into trouble, don't be so proud as to ask for help. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ and are here to help." (all the while shaking her finger at us in a lovingly...and scolding...manner). She gave us both a big hug and told us they loved us. I asked her "How in the world can I ever repay you for this?" Her answer to me was "Some day you will be in a position to help someone else who is in need. On that day, you will pay us back."

We have never forgotten those lovely people who have since gone to be with their Lord. And dear Sis. Cornell was right. God has blessed us over the years and given us an opportunity more than once to help those whom God has placed upon our hearts....some annonymously...some not. And whenever someone asks how they can ever pay us back, we tell them this story.

Oh yes, and Bruce found a job within a week after this incident!